reverse complement1 how to make reverse complement of sequence in shell file content format(tab seperate) seq_1 atgagagataac seq_2 tagcgattcaca output file format(fasta type) >seq_1 atgagagataac >seq_1_recom gttatctctcat >seq_2 tagcgattcaca >seq_2_recom tgtgaatcgcta $ cat "sequence file" | while read id seq; do echo -e ">$id\n$seq"; recom_seq=$(echo $seq | rev | tr "atgc" "tacg"); recom_id="$id"_revom; echo -e ">$recom_id\n$recom_seq"; done > outout.fasta ex) $ awk .. 2012. 3. 5. 이전 1 다음